Our Goals

Provide informative tours of Machu Picchu

Educate about Incan culture and history

Offer memorable and entertaining trekking experience

Maintain a 100 percent locally owned company

Uphold the view of supporting our local communities by reinvesting back into them

Raising awareness in being socially responsible by creating social projects to promote our cause

Our Vision

To create unforgettable experiences

To provide high quality personalized service

To contribute as a company to the development of the tourism sector

To offer high quality treks and tours with small groups while maintaining a reasonable price

To use only our own professionally trained staff and guides and high quality camping equipment

To create in our visitors an admiration toward the legacy of the Incan culture, heritage and history.

Our Values

Honesty and integrity

Create a stable client connection during their treks and tours

Commitment to the culture and society of the Andean culture

Work as a team by sharing knowledge, experience and dedication

Creativity and innovation

Promote Peruvian based business